PPPPPPP NN NN EEEEEEE WW WW SSSSS PP PP NNN NN EE WW WW SS PPPPPPP NN NN NN EEEEE WW W WW SSSS PP NN NN NN EE WW WWW WW SS PP NN NNN EE WWWW WWWW SS PP NN NN EEEEEEEE WW WW SSSSSSS ******************************************************************** ** The following Patri-Soft Newsletter was sent to all Patri-Soft ** ** registered users. We thought others might be interested in ** ** it also; so, we are making this special version available to ** ** you. ENJOY! ** ******************************************************************** PNEWS Patri-Soft Technical Update and Upgrade Notice November 1992 Patriquin's Utilities/Tools Volume Number 1 Dear friends, This our first attempt at a Patri-Soft newsletter. The first time out it is a little short but we hope you still find it valuable. We want to let you know what we are up to in our development projects, and a little about our future plans. New releases of some products are available. We'll tell you a little about them and hope you consider upgrading. We're working hard to keep all our products moving forward and have great plans for the future. We value you as a customer and hope you are satisfied with our products. If you should ever have a question, or just want to call and chat, phone me at 909-422-3727. I'll be happy to talk with you anytime. Thanks for giving us a few moments of your valuable time. Norm Patriquin President THE PATRIQUIN UTILITIES The Patriquin Utilities never seem to stop growing! Here are some of the major enhancements we have implemented. PCOPY has been given menus and more new parameters. One of our most outstanding new features is the ability to fully synchronize two hard disks or directories. This new synchronization process even removes files and directories when needed. It is great for keeping notebook and desktop computers in sync with each other. PCOPY now automatically formats output diskettes when needed. Support for 4DOS file descriptions automatically copies descriptions with files. A log file can be written to help you keep track of all copy activities. These are only a few of the major PCOPY enhancements done. The current version is PCOPY 9.2C. PSEARCH has been enhanced with a long asked for feature to change text in files. You can now search for up to 5 strings and replace any or all of the strings. PSEARCH 5.2B adds and/or logic to each specific string to be found. An outstanding new feature adds scroll back viewing of all search results and even lets you go back and review the results of the last search you performed, even after exiting the program. Word Perfect and text file viewers let you examine files matching search criteria. If that isn't enough, PSEARCH has a new launching option that lets you invoke programs to process files selected from the scroll back display. The current version is PSEARCH 5.2B. PDELETE has been upgraded with delete in date sequence functions. Using the /SO and /FS parameters, PDELETE can delete the oldest files of a directory until a specified freespace exists. The ability to process a list of files has been added to PDELETE and PPRINT. STOWAWAY RELEASES VALUABLE HARD DISK SPACE! Patri-Soft has recently introduced Stowaway, our unique archival system designed to let you recover unused hard drive space and delay that next hard disk purchase. Stowaway automates the process of moving seldom used or unneeded files off your hard disk onto diskettes. The unique part of Stowaway is that it keeps track of archived files for you and organizes diskette storage so any file can be instantly located and restored back to your hard disk. Some of our Stowaway customers have several thousand files moved off their hard drive saving megabytes of hard disk storage. Most people think of archivers as utilities to compress multiple files down into a single condensed one. These archivers provide only a partial solution. Stowaway is a complete archive manager for your PC. Using Stowaway's menus, you may list and select files to be archived from your hard disk. During selection you can give descriptions to each file and assign them to logical groups. All this information is maintained in Stowaway's hard disk catalog. When Stowaway archives the data, it calls for archive diskettes in numerical order and "stows" your data in compressed format on the diskettes. The data is maintained on diskettes, but all information needed to locate and restore it is kept in Stowaway's catalog on your hard drive. When you need to restore a file, simply use Stowaway's menus to search for files by name, group, directory, date, or descriptive keyword. Stowaway will present a list of all matching files and let you select ones to be restored. The restore process will automatically determine the diskette number containing the data and request it be placed in the drive. A typical restore takes less than a minute. Hard disk storage costs over $3.00 per megabyte. Archive diskette storage costs about $.50 a megabyte. Save your money! When I first started using Stowaway, I immediately saved 20 meg of hard disk space in just a few minutes! That's $60 of hard disk space. Stowaway can release much needed hard disk space for you, as well as help you organize any files you may have stored offline on diskettes. Stowaway is great for storing picture files, BBS downloads, word processing documents, spreadsheets, logs, databases, and especially old software. Don't delete files trusting you will not need them again, archive with Stowaway for peace of mind. Stowaway is available for $39. AUTO RESTORE We have added a new product to compliment Stowaway that automatically restores archived files if and when they are accessed by applications you use. Auto Restore may optionally be installed and resides in your system watching all file accesses during normal application activities. It detects when any program attempts to access a file that has been archived. It can do this because, with Auto Restore, Stowaway optionally leaves the archived file on the hard disk with zero size and a time of 12:00am and therefore the file occupies no space but is still visable. When any program tries to read or write one of these files, Auto Restore detects the access attempt and searches Stowaway's archive indexes to verify the file is archived and, if so, pops up a window within your application to tell you an archived file has been referenced and asks if you would like to restore it for processing. If you respond to restore the file, Auto Restore then asks you to place the archive volume in the drive and proceeds to restore the file. If you respond , Auto Restore notifies DOS, and subsequently your program or command, that the file is inaccessable. The program or command accessing the file will take its normal action when a file is not accessible. After the restore is complete, the text window is removed from your display and the active program or command continues its normal operation. Auto Restore goes back to waiting for the next archived file to be accessed. At this time Auto Restore only works with text mode applications; so it will not operate when your system is runniung applications like Windows. Auto Restore gives you added freedom to archive more files to offline storage volumes. Since it takes care of all restore processing automatically, you can archive files and trust they will be immediately accessible anytime they are needed. Order Auto Restore when ordering Stowaway and get a $10 discount. If, for any reason, you don't like it just return it for a full refund. MEGABACK & MEGABACK PLUS HARD DISK BACKUP Patri-Soft announces our new backup system, MegaBack. We have been in the file management business for many years and kept thinking one of the major software houses would finally develop an easy to use backup system that provided advanced features every user needs. They never did! Now, MegaBack makes available one of the most advanced backup systems available. To be honest, if you are into jet speed, Megaback is not for you. To keep MegaBack reliable, we have developed it to use all standard DOS facilities. This means it is compatible with more systems, and is not sensitive to what diskette controller chips you are using, and the speed your machine is running at. MegaBack does not rely only on the brute force backup method. Instead, it implements clean intelligent backup techniques to reduce backup times, and save diskette space. MegaBack compresses data better than 50% and daily backup can be complete in two minutes! MegaBack has all the standard features for backup systems like automatic diskette formatting, Full/Incremental Backup, menu driven restore, file exclusion, index recovery and more. In addition, MegaBack has other nice features not found in other products. These include, stopping and continuing a full backup at another time, showing you what files are about to be backed up and letting you exclude them immediately, detecting bad backup diskettes dynamically, discarding them, and continuing the backup process, and many more. MegaBack is our shareware backup system being offered for $39. MegaBack Plus is our new retail version. It contains advanced features and utilities like backup password protection and menu selectable backup set management. MegaBack Plus will be priced at an introductory price of $59. Current MegaBack users will be able to upgrade to MegaBack Plus for $20. Keep watching MegaBack, you are just seeing the beginning! We have great plans for its future. If you are looking for a simple but effective backup system, give MegaBack a look. We don't think you will be disappointed. ORDERING UPGRADES At the end of this file there is a price list of all products and upgrades. Upgrades are only available to registered users of Patri-Soft products. If you have not previously ordered any Patri-Soft products but would like to do so, product pricing and purchasing information are at the end of this file. If you are a Registered User, you may upgrade the product you have registered from any version of the product. Users who have purchased products within the previous 6 months may receive free upgrades by downloading them from the Patri-Soft BBS. If you previously purchased an individual utility at $20 and wish to upgrade to a full set of the Patriquin Utilities with a User's Guide, Patri-Soft will apply a $15 discount toward the purchase price of the Utilities. Take time to upgrade today so you won't forget. Your upgrade fee entitles you to a year of technical support and BBS download upgrades for a product. LATEST VERSIONS OF ALL PATRI-SOFT PRIDUCTS PCOPY 9.2C PDELETE 4.40 EasyDial 4.40 PSEARCH 5.2B PPRINT 5.50 Stowaway 1.91 PALERT 2.40 PATTRIB 1.50 MegaBack 2.20 PTOUCH 2.00 PATRI-SOFT ADDRESS, PHONE, FAX, BBS Patri-Soft 5225 Canyon Crest Dr. Voice: 909-352-2820 Suite 71-358 FAX: 909-352-1527 Riverside, CA 92507 BBS: 909-352-2825 Patri-Soft 5225 Canyon Crest Dr. Ste. 71-358 Riverside Ca 92507 909-352-2820 ______________________________________________________________________________ ORDER FORM ____ Patriquin Utilities... $ 45.00 ____ Upgrade of the Utilities... $ 25.00 ____ Stowaway.............. $ 39.00 ____ Upgrade of Stowaway........ $ 25.00 ____ MegaBack.............. $ 39.00 ____ Upgrade of MegaBack........ $ 25.00 ____ EasyDial.............. $ 20.00 ____ Upgrade of EasyDial........ $ 15.00 ____ MegaBack Plus......... $ 59.00 ____ AutoRestore................ $ 35.00 ____ A set of all Patri-Soft programs - includes Patriquin Utilities, Stowaway, MegaBack Plus, AutoRestore, and EasyDial............. $ 200.00 ____ Upgrade from a previously purchased Patri-Soft Utility to the full set of the Patriquin Utilities..................................... $ 30.00 TOTAL OF ABOVE SELECTIONS: $ ______ SHIPPING AND HANDLING - All orders sent via US Mail: Within the United States...... $ 4.00 Purchase Orders............... $ 10.00 International Orders.......... $ 10.00 For other shipping arrangements - please contact Patri-Soft $ ______ SALES TAX - CA RESIDENTS ONLY: $ ______ TOTAL DUE: $ ______ Name:________________________________________________________________________ If ordering Upgrade, Serial Number: _________________________________________ Address:_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip/Country:______________________________________________________ Disk Size: ______ 5.25" ______ 3.5" Payment Type: Check (Payable to Patri-Soft) ________ Purchase Order ________ Money Order (US funds only) _________ VISA/Mastercard ________ Account number: _____________________________________________________________ Expiration date: ____________________________________________________________ Signature: __________________________________________________________________ Phone Number: _______________________________________________________________ FAX this form to 909-352-2820 or mail to: Patri-Soft 5225 Canyon Crest Dr. Suite 71-358 Riverside, CA 92507